
Advanced Fluid Dynamics (ID 60369)

A 6 credit course offering modern tools such as modal- and nonmodal stability analysis, constrained optimization and sensitivity analysis for linear time-evolving systems, applicable in aeronautical design. Classes include theory, exercises and an introduction to scientific writing. The final exam consists of a written and oral presentation of a project including one or more parts of the course.
ID 60369, 6 CFU, CdL in Energy and Aeronautical Engineering, II period.
a.a. 2011/2012
Technical Report with Course description
Students Projects
[project 1] [project 2] [project 3] [project 4] [project 5] [project 6] [project 7]
a.a. 2012/2013
Students Projects
[article] published in Meccanica 2014 from the work by G. Mussetti
[project 1] [project 2] [project 3] [project 4]
a.a. 2013/2014
Students Projects
[project 1] [presentation 1]
a.a. 2014/2015
Students Projects
[project 1] [presentation 1] [project 2] [presentation 2] [project 3]
a.a. 2015/2016
Students Projects
[article] published in Math. and Comp. Appl. 2018 from the work by A. Comminetti
[project 1] [project 2]
a.a. 2016/2017
Students Projects
[project 1]
a.a. 2017/2018
Students Projects
[project 1] [project 2] [project 3]

Hydrodynamic stability (Scuola di dottorato, FPIA)

The course is a short introduction to hydrodynamic stability theory and covers the basic concepts regarding temporal stability of parallel shear flows.
2 CFU, Fluidodinamica e Processi dell’Ingegneria Ambientale (FPIA), period June.
a.a. 2012
Lecture notes
a.a. 2013
Lecture notes
a.a. 2014
Lecture notes
a.a. 2015
Lecture notes

Fondamenti dei meccanica dei continui (80939/6CFU)

Fisica tecnica e mecanica dei fluidi (81193/6CFU)

This is the description and info page for the first 24 hours of the above courses.
a.a. 2014
Lecture notes
[lecture-1.pdf] [chap-1.pdf] [] []


Available thesis projects

Bifurcation scenario of rotating sphere flows
Effects of pilose surfaces on transport/mixing in pulsatile flows
The power of teamwork: a drag reduction study
Pollutants transport and diffusion: a sensitivity analysis
Do you have another topic in mind ? Feel free to come with suggestions !

PhD students

Peyman Davvalo Khongar (2018)
Fluid flow in the eye in the presence of intraocular lenses

Krystyna Isakova (2016)
Fluid mechanics of the Eye
[thesis] [project] [paper 1] [paper 2]

Damiano Natali (2015)
Modeling the interaction of biomimetical slender structures with a fluid flow
[thesis] [project] [homepage]


Flapping filament


Project. Media covered by compliant solid structures permeated by viscous fluids are ubiquitous in nature and increasingly seen in technology. Deformations of such a composite and the effects they induce on the surrounding fluid flow have lately been regarded as accounting for a variety of phenomena by biologists, physicists and engineers. This research project aims to evaluate the effects of these kinds of coatings on the onset of instabilities in laminar flow and their capabilities to reduce the skin friction under both transitional and turbulent flow conditions. Research activity carried on so far has brought to the implementation of a finite difference DNS code of a 2D viscous flow around deformable bodies. Classical Navier-Stokes equatons are solved on a staggered cartesian grid using the Fractional Step Method, whereas solid stresses are computed by taking the variational derivative of the body's energy function. Finally, the fluid-structure interaction is handled by means of the Immersed Boundary Method.

MsC students (Laurea magistrale/specialistica)

Maria Vittoria Pennisi (2024)
Analytical modelling of Conjugate Heat Transfer for the nasal flow

Agnese Gamberini & Chiara Repetto (2022)
Biodegradable engineered vascular prostheses: a validation comparative study in bioreactor

Christian Zambellini (2022)
Ottimizzazione delle fence tramite il metodo dell'aggiunto

Federico Balleari (2021)
Caratterizzazione CFD di uno scambiatore di calore a getti liquidi

Eric Segalerba (2021)
Ottimizzazione Aerodinamica dell’ala frontale per una monoposto di Formula1 del 2022, utilizzando il metodo dell’aggiunto

Alessandro Barbero (2021)
Numerical simulations of particles deposition on the cornea

Victor Garcia Bennett (2020)
A Numerical Study to Support Clinical Tests of Graft-Gas Coverage after DMEK

Gianmarco Carboni (2020)
Numerical investigation of SARS-CoV-2 and atmospheric particulate deposition on the surface of the eye

Valentina Costa & Giulia Macciò (2019)
Approccio CFD allo studio della climatizzazione nel Teatro Carlo Felice di Genova [thesis][presentation]

Giovanni Curedda (2019)
Numerical Simulations of the Atmospheric Chamber (ChAMBRe) to Study Bioaerosol

Emanuela Drago (2018)
Microparticle production by spray dryer and validation with CFD simulation

Aulikki Wilhelmi genannt Hofmann (2017)
Nonmodal stability analysis of the interface between aqueous humor and vitreous substitutes after vitreoretinal surgery

Giovanni Beati (2017)
Implementation of a two-stage drying model for liquid drops containing insoluble solids in OpenFOAM for spray drying applications

Alberto Cominetti (2017)
Open-source Shape Optimization: an application to Bulbous Bow
[article] published in Math. and Comp. Appl. 2018 from the work by A. Comminetti

Stefano Pastorino (2016)
Modeling of Spray Drying using Computational Fluid Dynamics with an Open-Source software

Emanuele Rondanina (2014)
A Numerical Model of Retinal Detachment

Tobia Benvenuto (2014)
Development of an automatic shape optimization platform for a laminar profile, Stage at Daher-Socata 2013, France.

Stefano Olivieri (2013)
Direct Numerical Simulations of turbulent particle-laden flows, work performed at KTH/Mechanics, Stockholm, Sweden. Principal supervisor Luca Brandt.

Simone Boi (2013)
Stability analysis of non-newtonian Kolmogorov flow. Principal supervisor Andrea Mazzino.

Marina Bruzzone (2013)
Development of a tool for the prediction of transition to turbulence over small aircraft wings, Stage at Daher-Socata 2012, France.

Krystyna Isakova (2012)
Stability of a stratified fluid over an oscillating flat wall. Principal supervisor Rodolfo Repetto.

Bachelor students (Laurea triennale)

Beatrice Maragliano (2023)
Validazione di protesi vascolari biodegradabili e bioriassorbibili in un bioreattore ad alte prestazioni

Andrea Cichellero (2023)
FSRU; effetto della profondità di scarico sulla formazione di schiuma

Paolo Maietta Farnese (2023)
Studio di forma di un aerospike applicato ad un veicolo da crociera ipersonico

Alberto Toccafondi (2022)
Post-Processing sull’aerodinamica del fondo di una monoposto di Formula 1 in accordo con le nuove regole in vigore dal 2022

Lorenzo Bruni (2021)
Progettazione aerodinamica del fondo di una monoposto di Formula1 in accordo con le nuove regole in vigore dal 2022

Viola Prando (2021)
Studio dell’effetto del tipo e della concentrazione dei tensioattivi per la produzione e stabilizzazione di emulsioni a base di isopropilmiristato

Alessio Del Lungo (2021)
Produzione di emulsioni con emulsionatore rotore/statore, validazione di modelli matematici sulla base di dati sperimentali

Federica Anna Ciuffetti (2021)
Studio dei meccanismi di formazione di un’emulsione olio in acqua attraverso un emulsionatore rotore statore

Paolo Badino (2020)
Simulazioni instazionarie per la climatizzazione del teatro Carlo Felice di Genova

Veronica De Mattei (2019)
Studio e modellazione matematica di protesi vascolari biodegradabili ed ingegnerizzate di piccolo calibro in bioreattore

Orgest Kuqi (2015)
Studio della sostituzione dell’umor vitreo con una sostanza tamponante nel occhio miope

Chiara Ponte (2015)
Meccanica dei fluidi tamponanti in occhi con stafiloma

Giovanni Velotta (2014)
Studio dell'assetto di equilibrio di un fluido tamponante nella camera vitrea

Francesco Ghelardi (2012)
Sviluppo geometrico/aerodinamico della superficie di coda di un velivolo in volo planato

Andrea Tripodi (2011)
Analisi dell'interazione tra un fluido e un filamento elastico all'interno di un canale