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Projects and Contracts

2015 Wave climate characterization in the Northern Adriatic Sea [for Hydrosoil s.r.l.] Coordinator
2015 Wave climate characterization offshore of Eritrea coast [for NMDC Abu-Dhabi] Coordinator
2015 Wave climate characterization offshore of Montenegro coast [for Hydrosoil s.r.l.] Coordinator
2015 Wave climate characterization offshore of Messina coast [for COEDMAR s.r.l.] Coordinator
2014 Wave climate characterization offshore of Albania coast [for Piacentini s.r.l.] Coordinator
2014 Fast Ferry wave generation and propagation on Isola d'Elba coast [for Corsica Ferries] Coordinator
2013 Offshore Mar Ligure wave climate [for Studio Legale Farina] Coordinator
2012 Study of the effects of a thermal plume from an FSRU Unit [for DEAM] Coordinator
2012 Operational wave forecasting in the Ligurian Sea [for ARPAL] Coordinator
2012 Physical modelling of Vernazzola beach profile [for Comune di Genova] Coordinator
2011 Physical modelling of OWCM performances [for R.A.] Coordinator
2011 Physical modelling for risk analysis of asbestos release during slurry dumping [for SPEA] Coordinator
2008 Numerical simulation of flood propagation in the Bormida and Orba rivers [for A.I.Po] Collaborator
2006-2010 Study of flood propagation in the Tanaro river focussed on the city of Alessandria. Numerical simulations and Experiments [for A.I.Po] Collaborator
2005 Study of erosion patterns at the offshore wind farm "Mar de Trafalgar". Evaluation of the "Mar de Trafalgar" offshore wind farm influence on longshore sediment transport [for CEAMA - I.N.R. Eolica] Collaborator
DICAT - Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, dell'Ambiente e del Territorio
Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova
tel. +39 010 353.24.91 fax +39 010 353.25.46
Partita IVA 00754150100