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Curriculum Vitae


2003: PhD. in the field "Fluodynamics and Environmental Engineering Processes" at the University of Genoa

1999: 18/11/1999 Laurea - Master degree in Civil Engineering with Hydraulics at the University of Genoa. Thesis: "River bifurcation stability: theoretical analysis and experimental observations". Maximum score obtained: 110 cum laude/110. Supervisors: Prof. Marco Tubino and Prof. Giovanni Seminara.

1994: Classical high school degree at the C. Columbus Liceum, Genoa.

Postgraduate Courses

November 2014: "Time-frequency analysis: a glance beyond Fourier region" Prof. L. Carassale (DICCA, University of Genoa)

November 2009: "Dinamica dei sistemi non lineari" Prof. M. Storace (DIBE, University of Genoa)

February 2009: "Advanced numerical methods for hyperbolic equations and applications" Prof. E. Toro (University of Trento)

October 2007: "Communication Skills Training Workshop" - Education Training Ltd (University of Edinburgh). Marie Curie EST Centre - DICAT Univ. of Genoa

July 2003: "Hydro and Morphodynamics of coastal seas" - Renesse, Nederlands. Organized by Utrecht University and Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya.

April - June 2003: "Problematiche della cooperazione internazionale e le progettualità applicabili" organized by Ingegneria Senza Frontiere - Genova.

October 2002: "Water Waves for Engineers" by Prof. M. Brocchini (University of Genoa) and Dr. M. Landrini (INSEAN)

May 2002: "Le tecnologie appropriate per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo sostenibile: il ruolo dell'università" organized by CETAMB (Brescia)

January 2000: "La progettazione strutturale con gli eurocodici"

Work Experiences

Since February 2015: Associate Professor in Costal Engineering at the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa

November 2005 - February 2015: Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa

October 2004 - October 2005: Researcher for the University of Granada at CEAMA Centro Andaluz de Medio Ambiente - Grupo de puertos y Costas

January 2004 - September 2004: Research activity at the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Genoa, on disciplinary sector ICAR/01 Hydraulics. Supervisor: Prof. P. Blondeaux

January 2001 - December 2003: PhD. Student at the University of Genoa. Grant in Fluodynamics and Environmental Engineering Processes

Participation in the European Research Projects HUMOR and SANDPIT

December 1999 - June 2000: Junior Engineer for S.T.I., now Projenia


PhD and Master Courses

Autumn 2014 Classes on "Sea Wave Forecast Models" for the Master "FORTEMARE – System Engineering for Maritime Technologies", DLTM, University of Genoa, Regione Liguria

Summer 2010/2012/2013/2014 Classes on "Perturbation Methods" for the PhD in "Fluodynamics and Environmental Engineering Processes", University of Genoa

June 2012 Classes on Submarine Sand Dunes for the Summer School Morphological instabilities in natural systems, Institut de Physique de Rennes, Universite de Rennes 1, France

November 2011 Classes on Hidrodinámica en la zona de rompientes for the Curso Avanzado de Ingeniería de Costas y Puertos, Colegio de Ingegneros de Andalucia, Sevilla, Spain

December 2009 Classes on "Harbour Engineering" for the Master in Marine Geomatics, 3rd edition, University of Genoa and Istituto Idrografico della Marina

June 2009 Classes on "Flow at Low Reynolds Number" for the PhD in "Fluodynamics and Environmental Engineering Processes", University of Genoa

June 2007 Supervisor for the Summer School Hydro and Morphodynamics of Coastal Seas, Motril, Spagna. Organized by Utrecht University, University of Granada and University of Genoa

January 2007/2008/2010 Classes on Wave averaged models for the course Sea Waves, for the PhD in "Water, Material and Earth Engineering for Environment" (University of Ancona)

April - May 2005 Classes on Coastal Circulation and Analysis of Coastal Processes within the master program Sistemazione Idrogeologica e Riqualificazione Ambientale organized by Regione Liguria

May 2004 Practical lessons for the course Elementi di base dell'idraulica applicata allo studio dei corsi d'acqua carried out for La Spezia Province by the Department of Environmental Engineering - University of Genoa

Batchelor and Master Degree

Coastal Engineering

Environmental Engineering

Fluid Mechanics

Harbour Engineering


Maritime Engineering

Academic Responsibilities

- External examiner PhD dissertation, University of Granada (Spain), 2014
- Member of the Education Committee for the School of Civil Engineering, University of Genoa, 2013-today
- Manager of the Erasmus Exchange Program for the School of Civil Engineering, University of Genoa, 2011-today
- Member of the Scientific Committee - PhD Program in Fluid Mechanics, University of Genova, 2005-Today
- External examiner PhD dissertation, University of Granada (Spain), 2007
- Member of the Department Council (DICCA), University of Genoa, 2012-today
- Member of the Department Council (DICAT), University of Genoa, 2008-2012
- Member of the Department Council (DIAM), University of Genoa, 2005-2007

Insitutional Responsibilities

- Expert Member for the "Comitato Tecnico di Bacino della Regione Liguria", 2014- Today
- Member of the Committee for "Progettazione del litorale della Città di Genova - Pro.UD", 2014 - Today
- Member of the Scientific Committee of "Associazione di Ingegneria Offshore e Marina (AIOM)"


He is or has been member of the following organizations

Editorial and Reviewing Activities

He collaborates as Reviewer with the following scientific journals

Grants and Awards

October 2012: Griffith Climate Change Response Program (GCCRP) Visiting Fellowship grant

September 2011: Best Presentation Award, RCEM Conference, Beijing, China

June 2004: CARIGE grant for research activities

DICAT - Dipartimento di Ingegneria delle Costruzioni, dell'Ambiente e del Territorio
Via Montallegro, 1 - 16145 Genova
tel. +39 010 353.24.91 fax +39 010 353.25.46
Partita IVA 00754150100